Files for download
AMS [CZ] - Czech Instruction manual (version 1.06)
AMS [EN] - English Instruction manual (version 1.06)
CIAM FAI approval for F5J - Altimeter Motor Run Timer (AMRT) certificate, firmware version F1.06 and S1.06
CIAM FAI approval for F5J - Altimeter Motor Run Timer (AMRT) certificate, firmware version 1.04
FrSky Telemetry Apps
FrSky Configuration Apps - FrSky Ethos compatible Lua apps (02/2025 - compatible with ESC 2.06)
Frsky Installation - App installation guide

The Altitude Motor Switch (AMS) is a versatile device suitable for several competition categories where the altitude or motor run time shall be limited. It can be used also as a standalone telemetric variometer. The sensor is usually connected between the receiver throttle channel and the appropriate signal input of the electronic speed controller.

Weight [g] 7
Dimensions [mm] 27 x 11 x 5
Telemetry Duplex EX, Multiplex MSB, Graupner Hott, Futaba S.Bus2
Operational temperature [°C] -20 – 85
Supply Voltage [V] 3.5 – 12

The AMS contains a sensitive barometric altimeter/variometer which uses the latest MEMS technology to achieve a high level of accuracy, while preserving miniature dimensions. The sensor is able to detect tiny changes in atmospheric pressure to indicate the change of altitude with resolution 0.1m. Using the integrated high power cables you can directly power the receiver and servos through the AMS from a BEC circuit of the speed controller.


  • Small dimensions. Possibility to power the receiver and servos through the AMS.
  • Accurate measurement of absolute/relative altitude and climb/sink rate.
  • Automatic telemetry detection: Duplex EX, Graupner Hott, Multiplex MSB, Futaba S.Bus2. 
  • Configurable alarms on altitude and climb rate.
  • Configurable shutdown altitude.
  • Configuration through the transmitter.
  • Firmware updates.
  • Supported competition categories: FAI F5J, ALES (altitude limited electric soaring), LMR (limited motor runtime) and all possible derivatives.


Installation with telemetry





Competition installation with FAI altitude readout